Guy du Toit: Good Hare Day
Jun 7 – Jul 5, 2018
Everard Read London presents:
Guy du Toit
Good Hare Day
7 June - 5 July 2018
Everard Read London presents an exhibition of new sculpture by South African artist, Guy du Toit.
Du Toit has, by dint of steady production and consistently developing work, become one of South Africa’s most important and accomplished sculptors.
“Liberated” (as he says) by the advent of democracy in South Africa from having to concern himself and his art with the notions of identity, he has happily turned his attention to other pursuits like revelling in form, concept and media for their own sakes. Du Toit uses the unexpected juxtaposition of bronze casts of universal, everyday found objects to invite his audience to invent dialogue themselves.
Guy du Toit's hares have a lightness of being - they dance, they fly, they sit pondering their thoughts. They are like quick sketches in the landscape, something glimpsed out the corner of the eye, like a flash of truth. Wilma Cruise, artist
Request a portfolio here.
To download Hare's an Idea, a book about Guy du Toit's sculpture, by Carla Crafford, follow here.