Philip Barlow: still motion II
Jul 13 – Aug 11, 2018
Everard Read London presents:
Philip Barlow
still motion II
13 July - 11 August 2018
Everard Read London presents an exhibition of new paintings by South African artist, Philip Barlow.
In his 2015 solo exhibition at Everard Read Cape Town, Barlow captured on canvas the movement of day to night in Tokyo’s city centre.
For this still motion II exhibition, the artist turns his attention to the streets of London and the beaches of his native South Africa in his ongoing quest to frame and capture in oil paint, the moment when light, form and colour collide; that elusive moment in each of his paintings where time is suspended and distilled to convey a sense of gracefulness and “glory”.
Barlow continues his exploration of bokeh – the aesthetic quality of out-of-focus blur in a photograph - deftly harnessing the technique to conjure light-filled beach scenes or damp London cityscapes that present an intriguing and ambiguous version of reality.
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